Monday, November 25, 2013


Last Thanksgiving, casting about for something to do with myself, I decided I should do a volunteer stint.  Not belonging to any church or service organization, I wasn't sure where to go, so I asked my trusty Google, and noticed this place in Camden serving meals. 

I imagine there may be similar places closer to home, but Camden is really the neediest spot in south Jersey.  Anyway, it appears there were others who shared my urge, and they had more of us volunteers than they really needed.  I guess everyone figures that Thanksgiving is the day to show up, but this place's mission is broader than the one day. 

So this year, I'm working the Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving in their 'grocery store'.

Some food banks pre-package the shopping bags for folks, but the Neighborhood Center sets up more like a real store and allows folks to pick and choose in various categories.  Families have to sign up in advance, so they know how many will be expected (around 450 this year) and can group stuff so everyone gets a pretty even chance at the kind of meal they want.  Shoppers even have their choice of turkey or ham.  It's more work for us, but there's a little more dignity involved for the patrons.

By the way, it irks me that people seem to use a giving opportunity like this just to clean out their cupboards with no thought as to what might actually be needed.  I mean, who eats sauerkraut for Thanksgiving?  Oh, well.  Anything for a tax deduction.  And you can tell that most of the givers are not from the community - there was no okra, for example.  But the generosity was otherwise heartwarming. 

There was an orientation and lunch for volunteers on Saturday, and a student jazz group from the Center's after-school program provided some very good entertainment.

The Neighborhood Center is a hundred-year-old community organization that provides nutrition support, daycare services, a safe after-school location, and a preschool.  It's not a church, but is supported in one way or another by local churches.  The main building even looks something like a church, but it was purpose-built in 1925.

Here's the link to their website.

Give 'em a little cash, if you feel the urge.

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