Saturday, March 15, 2014


Earlier today in Willingboro a teen was deliberately run down by a hit and run driver.  According to an officer at the scene, which was uncomfortably near my home, tire tracks make it clear that the teen was pursued onto the lawn to strike him.

Although seriously injured, the kid was still alive by the time I arrived, attracted by the sound of the helicopter.  The large open field behind my house is used as an impromptu landing area for the medevac, which is normally a state police helo. 

They worked to stabilize the kid for about 45 minutes in the ambulance before transferring him to a gurney and rolling him out to the helo.

In the picture above, the pine tree directly behind the 'copter is on the other side of the field, and marks the back of my property.


On their way.  Hope he makes it.

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