Monday, October 14, 2013


Speaking of commercials, I find that I have astonishing amount of slack-jawed admiration for the depth of Xfinity’s (Comcast’s) corporate chutzpah!  They actually run commercials attempting to convince us that they are qualified to provide our home telephone service, or even more astonishingly, our home security systems.  Their announcers actually manage to do this with perfectly straight faces.  Now, that’s acting!  These offerings from a company that cannot reliably provide a television picture.  To say that the situation is ridiculous is too weak, the language simply hasn’t the words to express how disgusted this makes me feel.

It is, after all, a rare week that passes without having a program interrupted with Xfinity’s version of the old Microsoft ‘blue screen of death’, although Xfinity words theirs much more pleasantly – “Your service will be restored momentarily”.  Sometime yes, sometimes no. 

And now they have a new trick.  They kill the sound but not the picture.  They never do this during a commercial, of course, but at the critical moment near the end of a program when critical dialog is occurring.  The sound goes out just on that one show; just on that one station.  This seems to be more than incompetence; it feels like active sabotage.  If you call their ‘customer service’, they will offer to send a technician to your home in a day or two, when the error will of course no longer being occurring.  Just once I wish they would offer instead to investigate the issue where it obviously occurs, at their transmission station on Beverly-Rancocas Road.   

And what would we get if we are foolish enough to sign up for these Xfinity services?  I can just envision trying to make a 911 call when they pull the sound trick on the ‘phone service, or having my house robbed while their home security service is ‘temporarily interrupted’. 

Anyone ever fall for these pitches?  If so I have a can’t-lose investment strategy I’d like to sell you on.

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