Sunday, October 26, 2014


An apology is certainly in order.  I have let my blog lie fallow for more than three months, but they have been three very busy and happy months for me.  On July 5th, I visited Camden to see the fireworks, and got a lot more than I bargained for.

I am normally reserved around strangers, and am not at all forward with members of the fair sex.  But for some reason this tall dark-skinned lady caught my eye on the River Line train.  Maybe it was the purple tinge in her hair, her height, or the retro outfit, but she definitely stood out.  In any event, I noticed she was rubbing her knee like it bothered her.  I was carrying my cane, as I usually do when I am going to be on my feet for a while, even though I didn’t need it most of the time.  So as we got off at the Entertainment Center, I uttered what has to be the lamest line of all time: “Do you wanna borrow my stick?”

That got a chuckle, but she declined with thanks, and I lost sight of where she went, so I figured that was that.  However, later on I was on a waterfront bench, in good watching position, when she came by and sat on the other end of the bench.  In a complete fit of bravado, I told her she needn’t sit so far away, as I didn’t bite.  Then I waited like Jack Benny and added “much”.

We were so perfectly at ease with one another right from the start, ending the evening holding hands and cuddling on the bench with the fireworks exploding overhead.  I asked her to go with me to Lavallette’s fireworks the next evening, so I ended the night with a date and a very pleasing kiss.  Here is Glenda during our Lavallette trip.

The rest, as they say, is history.  I had thought I would never be lucky enough to meet another woman to fall in love with, but apparently I’m not destined to go through the rest of my life as a lonely old man.  My mind boggles at all the things that had to go right for us to meet: the same train; the same part of the same car; the second encounter.  Glenda told me later that she nearly didn’t come, and was on point of leaving when she walked by the bench.

You all know I don’t believe in divine guidance, nor in fate, which makes our meeting all the more wondrous to me.  I feel so monstrously lucky, and am doubly amazed in that she professes the same wonder and love.  Some would say we have proceeded too quickly, but I say that we have simply accepted the self-evident position we are in.

In any event, stay tuned.  I’ll get this journal up to date over the next few weeks.  Bits and pieces have already been on Facebook, by the way.

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